I was a little worried when I had to wait about two weeks to receive the two bikes I ordered (his & hers). But they eventually arrived very well packaged and required very little assembly, about 2-3 hours each. I have been riding bikes for 30 plus years so have a little knowledge how things go together. (The online help is also useful).
My First Bike ride on the Mirrorstone around hilly Yorkshire Dales (and there steep hills in this area).
I used PAS level 5 (pawer assistance level) for first 10km or so going up Cowpasture Road & Moor Lane/Rd Ilkley. This was not wise as possibly drained battery a lot, although was fun. Battery needs to be conditioned by discharge fully about five times. Out of East Morton going up Street Lane battery gave up completely, or so I thought. I contemplated calling for a taxi but thought maybe on lower PAS level 1-2 I could cope going up all the hills especially the one out of Silsden (on PAS level 1), and so it proved to be. I got home after 2hr 4min, covering 39.6km, and still had some battery power remaining. I am glad the bike has good brakes some of the hills are quite steep, I was hitting 45kph and activating the speed warnings on the side of the road!
Average heart rate 135 & 1248 Kcal for the ride. Glad I was wearing NZ winter level clothes as quite cold at 9C at start.